Rancangan pembelajaran bahasa inggris "based on web"
Mapel : Bahsa inggris
Topik : Congratulation
Kelas : 7
Skill : Reading
Waktu : 2 jp
KD. 5. Memahami makna dalam text tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana yang berkaitan denhan lingkungan terdekat
SK. 5.2 merespon makna yg terdapat dalam teks tulis fungsional pendek sangat sederhana secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yg berkaitan dengan lingkungan terdekat
Tujuan pembelajaran
- siswa mampu memahami congratulation text
- siswa mampu belajar dg berbasis web
- siswa mampu mengoperasikan internet dalam meningkatkan
kualitas belajar
Materi pembelajaran
- Dear Yanto,
Congratulation! You have passed your final examination with highest score. This achievement makes us proud of you. Hopefully it is being your motivation to get your goal.
Your uncle,
Kegiatan pembelajaran
- Kegiatan awal
+ salam
+ cek absen
+ review materi sebelumnya
+ menyampaikan materi yang akan dipelajari
+ guru menyampaikan manfaat dri materi yg akan dipelajari
+ memberi stimulus utk materi yg akan dipelajari
- Kegiatan inti
+ siswa membaca text congratulation yg sudah disediakan di
blog - rohim3448@blogspot.com
+ siswa membuat daftar kata-kata sulit
+ siswa memberikan koment yg berisi kata2 sulit
+ siswa yg lain mencoba membantu sebisanya lewat coment
+ siswa memahami isi text
+ siswa memberi komen yg berisi ttg arti dr text
+ siswa menjawab pertanyaan yg sudah di sediakan di web
+ siswa memberi komen yg berisi ttg jawaban dari soal2
- Kegiatan penutup
+ siswa secara bersama dg guru membuat rangkuman terkait
pembelajaran yg sudh dilaksanakan
+ siswa menerima ulasan manfaat pembelajaran yg sdh
dilaksanakan dr guru
+ siswa memerima wacana materi yg akan dipelajari besok
+ salam
Intrument pembelajaran
- Read this text and find the difficult words
Dear Yanto,
Congratulation! You have passed your final examination with highest score. Thisn achievement makes us proud of you. Hopefully it is being your motivation to get your goal.
Your uncle,
- write down your difficult words
1. ......
2. ......
3. ......
- Please translate the text into Indonesia!
- Please answer these questions based on the text!
1. Who is the writer of the text?
2. Whom is the congratulation card for?
3. What is this congratulation card for?
4. What has Yanto done?
5. What does Andi wish?
6. What do you think about this learning methodology?
Sumber belajar
- Buku siswa
- Buku guru
- Teks yg relevan
- Blog
- masing nomor (1-5) nilainya 20
- nomor 6 soal tambahan (tdk ada nilai)
- skor maksimal adalah 100
Abdul Rohim
Rabu, 28 Januari 2015
Kamis, 22 Januari 2015
Dear Yanto,
Congratulation! You have passed your final examination with highest score. This achievement makes us proud of you. Hopefully it is being your motivation to get your goal.
Your uncle,
1. Who is the writer of the text?
2. Whom is the congratulation card for?
3. What is this congratulation card for?
4. What has Yanto done?
5. What does Andi wish?
6. What do you think about this learning methodology?
Dear Yanto,
Congratulation! You have passed your final examination with highest score. This achievement makes us proud of you. Hopefully it is being your motivation to get your goal.
Your uncle,
1. Who is the writer of the text?
2. Whom is the congratulation card for?
3. What is this congratulation card for?
4. What has Yanto done?
5. What does Andi wish?
6. What do you think about this learning methodology?
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